US to release Trafficking in Persons Report-2022 next week

The United States (US) will release its Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report)-2022 next week, according to a female official of the US Embassy in Dhaka.

The report’22 will be the 22nd installment and will cover 188 countries including the United States, she told a press briefing at American Center in Dhaka today.

The report highlights areas of progress with tangible results, promising practices to advance anti-trafficking efforts, and remaining gaps in government efforts while it focuses on the efforts of the government, not
non-governmental actors such as civil society or international organisations, the US embassy official said.

She said the United States believes the fight against human trafficking is vitally important as human trafficking is a crime that exists around the world, including in the United States.

It poses a grave danger to individual wellbeing, public health, public safety, national security, economic development and prosperity, she added.

The TIP Report is the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-trafficking efforts and reflects the US government’s commitment to global leadership on this key human rights, law enforcement, and national
security issue.

The US official said working to fight human trafficking remains one of the top priorities of the US Embassy in Dhaka.

The embassy regularly engages with the government of Bangladesh, the Department of Justice leads programmes to train law enforcement, prosecutors and judges and USAID provides long-term support to improve protection services for trafficking survivors and reduce the vulnerability to trafficking, she mentioned.

“We are grateful for our long-term cooperation with the government of Bangladesh to fight against human trafficking. The close collaboration between the NGO community and the government to end trafficking is also a
key. It takes everyone in society to end this scourge,” she continued.

The TIP Report ranks countries in three tiers. Countries assessed as not fully meeting the minimum standards, but making significant efforts to meet them, are placed on Tier 2. Currently Bangladesh is in Tier 2.

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