PM for additional climate funding

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the world community should recognize people’s vulnerability, common aspirations, need for technology transfer and additional funding to tackle the impacts of climate change and the corona pandemic.

“The international community and the developed countries should play their historical responsibilities and, their moral and legal obligations,” she said.

The Premier made this remark while opening the First Climate Vulnerable Finance Summit, joining virtually from her official residence Ganabhaban on Thursday as she is the President of Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF).

Bangladesh hosted this Summit organized by Finance Ministers of the Vulnerable Twenty–the V20 with Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal in the chair.

The Prime Minister said 48 countries under CVF-V20 account for only five percent of the total global emission, but they are the worst victims of the man-made crisis.

In addition, the ongoing corona pandemic has added new miseries claiming lives and affecting livelihoods of millions, she said.

She continued “At this critical juncture of human history, we must forge unity and extend cooperation to face the ongoing and future crises.”

In the Summit, the Prime Minister put forward five-point proposals, where she firstly pointed out that every country must pursue an ambitious target to curb greenhouse gas emissions to keep global temperature-rise below 1.5ºC.

In the second proposal, she said the developed nations should facilitate the green recovery of the CVF-V20 countries and, dedicated support is also required for reducing the cost of capital and encouraging private sector


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