No legal-illegal mobile to be shut down: Mustafa Jabbar
The National Equipment Identity Register system was introduced experimentally on July 1 to stop the use of illegal and counterfeit mobile handsets in the country. The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) officially introduced this system three months later on October 1.
On October 7, the BTRC sent a press release to the media stating that from October 1 to 5, in these five days, 2 lakh 6 thousand 4 illegal mobile handsets have been identified in the country. These phones will be phased out. However, those mobile sets were also said to be registered with proof. But the suffering of the common people was also found in the registration of the phone sets brought from abroad and received as gifts.
The government is making some changes in the system of National Equipment Identity Register (NEIR) considering the suffering of the people in this situation.
Posts and Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar said the network of any legal or illegal mobile handset will not be shut down considering the suffering of the customers.
He informed the new decision of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication to the media on Thursday.
Following this decision, all types of handsets will be automatically registered with the BTRC’s National Equipment Identity Registrar.
The minister said the BTRC’s job was to keep a detailed database of all handsets operating in the country. This is being done successfully. If the National Board of Revenue wants, BTRC can provide a list of handsets brought with value-added tax evasion.
The BTRC issued a final notice a week ago to disconnect the unregistered handsets. Due to the new decision, no handsets will be disconnected in the future.
If the National Board of Revenue wants, BTRC will provide a list of handsets brought in by evading value-added tax, the minister said.
The registration is automatically done in BTRC’s Knock Automation and IMEI Database system, he said.