Today is World Earth Day

The World Earth Day will be observed in the country as elsewhere across the globe in a befitting manner today aiming to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
This is an important day that raises awareness about the environment and the global commitment to make the planet better. Understanding how this day was established and how it helps connect people across the globe in a shared mission is key to celebrating this day. After all, this home belongs to all of us, and we should strive to take care of it to create a healthy and sustainable future.
This year’s theme is “Invest In Our Planet.”
To raise public awareness about the environment, April 22 is celebrated every year in 193 countries around the world. Environmentally-conscious people around the world will participate in a variety of activities to draw attention to the need for immediate action to prevent a climate crisis and environmental pollution for keeping the planet safe and habitable.

Kathleen Rogers, president of Earth Day’s global organizer, wants this year’s message to give people around the world hope.

“I think people can’t operate in fear… So we looked for messaging [that] might inspire people to look to the future in a way that engages them and allows them to think positively about what they could do to change it,” adding that “Invest In Our Planet” brings three parties to the table: government, businesses and citizens. “We all need to work together.”

The first Earth Day celebration occurred on March 21, 1970, which was the first day of spring that year. It was proposed by John McConnell, a newspaper publisher who proposed the idea at a UNESCO Conference on the Environment the year before. He suggested that the holiday be celebrated every year as a reminder of everyone’s responsibility to help protect the environment. The following year the United Nations Secretary-General at the time signed a proclamation written by McConnell that the United Nations would celebrate this holiday each year on the first day of spring

Another environmental activist and United States Senator, Gaylord Nelson organized an event on April 22, 1970, to show other politicians the wide support for environmental issues. The event was successful and led to Earth Day celebrations across thousands of colleges, universities, schools, and communities, making it the second Earth Day celebration.

Marking the day, the Forest and Environment Sub-Committee of Awami League (AL) will hold a seminar around 4 pm today at CIRDAP auditorium here.
Awami League Joint General Secretary and Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud will attend the discussion as the chief guest.AL Advisory Council Member and Chairman of Forest and Environment sub-committee Dr Khandokar Bazlul Haque will chair the discussion while AL’s Forest and Environment Affair secretary Delwar Hossain will deliver the welcome speech. Prominent environmentalist and scientist Dr Atiq Rahman will present the key note paper on the occasion.

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