Jesshore board tops with 95.03% pass rate, Sylhet ranked lowest
Among all the eight education boards, Jessore Board ranked number one with 95.03% pass rate while Sylhet ranked the lowest with 78.82% pass rate.
The results of SSC and equivalent exams have been published this noon.
This year, the passing rate for SSC and equivalent exam results is 87.44%. A total of 20, 21,868 students from 29,591 educational institutions took part in the exams of SSC, Dakhil and SSC (vocational) at 3,790 centres.
According to the notification, the students can avail the result through SMS after the official release of the result.
A student can get his or her result by sending SMS. For this, the student has to type SSC<>first three letters of the board’s name<>roll no.<>passing year and send to 16222.
For example – SSC DHA 123456 2022.The results will be sent in return-SMS.
The results can be downloaded by clicking on the result corner of the website
Students can get their results by visiting the website www.educationboardresults also.
The SSC and its equivalent examinations began on September 15 as per the revised and rearranged syllabus and the exam of each subject took place in 2 hours instead of 3 hours.
A total of 20, 21,868 students from 29,591 educational institutions took part in the exams of SSC, Dakhil and SSC (vocational) at 3,790 centres.
A total of 15, 99,711 students participated in the SSC examinations under nine general education boards.
Some 2, 68,495 candidates appeared in the Dakhil exams under the Madrasah Education Board while 1, 53,662 students appeared in Dakhil vocational exams under the Technical Education Board.