Porimoni celebrated her birthday in a splendid arrangement in red and white

Yesterday (October 24) was the birthday of the popular actress in the Dhaka movie Pori Moni.

Porimoni celebrated her birthday in a splendid arrangement in red and white

Every year the heroine celebrates her birthday with pomp and circumstance. This time also Porimoni celebrate her birthday party at a five-star hotel in Dhaka city on Sunday.

Porimoni celebrated her birthday in a splendid arrangement in red and white

However, the heroine spent her birthday morning in an orphanage. She cut the cake and celebrated her birthday there. Porimoni also took special gifts for the children of the orphanage.

Porimoni celebrated her birthday in a splendid arrangement in red and white

On each birthday, Pori Moni chooses a different theme for the occasion. This year, her birthday theme was Red and White.

Porimoni celebrated her birthday in a splendid arrangement in red and white

Red is the color of energy and white is the color of peace. The heroine wants to celebrate her birthday with those who come into her life with energy and peace. So the heroine has chosen these two colors.

Porimoni celebrated her birthday in a splendid arrangement in red and white

At the stroke of midnight on October 24, she cut a cake with her maternal grandfather and other loved ones.

Porimoni celebrated her birthday in a splendid arrangement in red and white

Later in the day, she spent some time with underprivileged children, while in the evening, a cockpit-themed celebration was arranged in her honour at a five-star hotel of the capital.

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