Govt caps broadband price
The government has fixed the uniform tariff for broadband internet to subscribers irrespective of locations of subscribers in city or village.
From now, the subscribers have to pay Tk 500 for connection with 5 megabyte per second (mbps) speed, Tk 800 for 10 mbps connections and Tk 1200 for 20 mbps connections, according to declaration of BTRC on Sunday.
Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar was the chief guest while Secretary Afzal Hossain, BRTC Chairman Shyam Sunder Sikder and ISPAB President Aminul Hakim were present at the meeting at BTRC head office in the capital.
According to official data, around 10 million broadband connections in the country which is 17 percent of total interment connections.
However, the broadband users consume 58 percent of country’s total bandwidth.
Telecommunications Minister Mustafa Jabbar said the government has taken the decision [on broadband price] to reach broadband internet at every home at affordable price.
ISPAB President Aminul Hakim said couple of big players in market has been offering the service at flat rate and other companies will begin from July.
He also urged the telecom regulator to fix the price of transmission cost through NTTN and IIG to support the lower tariff from retail ISPs.
IIG Forum General Secretary Ahmed Junayed welcomed the move from government mentioning that the initiative will reduce the digital gap between cities and rural users of internet.